Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 23, 2011 In which I learn to do my laundry

Me, doing my laundry in the "Comfort Room", with the help of  busy little Quincy, my  Ate's grandaughter. 
Children are children the world over, and a ham's a ham anywhere!
Quincy, taking a bath in the "Comfort Room".  The toilet paper was purchased  just for me. They consider t.p. a dirty habit. You can see their point if you think about the difference between just wiping a diaper area with dry paper, or washing it each time.
Water runs twice a day for two hours each time. There is one spigot about one foot off the  floor, just high enough to clear the aluminum basin you see. From that we scoop water out and fill all the containers and one more in the left corner, which is a barrel. The scoop you see Quincy holding is used to take a bath. We all bathe at least once a day,  PC Medical Officers have informed us to take 2 or 3 when the weather is hot, as it was before the monsoons started. When we don't we live up to our reputations as sweaty, stinky Americans. Furthermore, clothes, especially tops, are never to be worn more than once. It is not only an odor issue, but a health issue, as fungus grows so readily here. 

1 comment:

  1. Great photos....I am so glad you are able to download them. You look good and I am so happy you have a family to live with. Those little ones make it so fun:).
