Friday, December 9, 2011

December 8, 2011 Ala eh!

Ala eh! is a Batangas expression, similar to Uffda! in Minnesota. This festival celebrates towns and livelihoods in our region.
Dario was going for the day because provincial engineering staff was to be on duty to assure all went well, so Rachiel and I rode with him for the day. All provincial employees, and I do mean all, started with high mass during which an attendance sheet was passed for signatures. After mass the parade started and then the street-dancing competition. 
Attendance sheet during High Holy Mass of the Immaculate Conception.

Dario (white t), Rachiel (tan shorts), other coworkers and a few locals.

Spanish Colonial influence along with other island and Asian cultures.

Here is Ibaan, Amy's town,  which was celebrating mosquito netting for some reason I do not know, but because of that, these costumes are made of netting. Fun! Gorgeous! But heavy and hot! It is enough to sleep in one without having to wear it! My net is red, as in the under-petticoats here. Remember that for trivia.                      
San Jose, my town, known as the egg capitol of the Philippines. We supply most of the eggs to Manila, thank you very much! These are all chicken feathers, with eggs on the headdresses.

My personal favorite. The end. (of this blog)
ps. This evening I am going with Rachiel to her cousin's 18th birthday party. This is equivalent to a debutante ball or a quincenero. The young lady is the only daughter of a wealthy family. My camera is charging in anticipation.
12/10/11 pps. I found out today that Ibaan manufactures the mosquito nets.

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