Monday, December 5, 2011

December 3, 2011 Umpe Alice and my Inaanak, Milka

I have been given the honor of being asked to be a Confirmation Sponsor for one of my students, Milka. Her mother, Bibe, explained to me that that means I am now a part of their family forever. I am Milka's Umpe Alice (Godmother Alice) and she is my Inaanak, which means "child". Her parents call me Mare Ali and I call them Mare Bibe and Pare Buda which means co-parents. We are all spiritual parents of Milka. She was confirmed last Saturday and her celebration was on Sunday where I met other family members, some of whom are also my mares and pares. Maybe some day she will meet my other Godchildren, Gustave and Amelia. God bless them all.
Bibe brought her two girls, Yunica (left) and Milka over to my house along with Rachiel, our mutual friend and my constant cultural guide. This was the family visit to ask me, in the presence of my family, if I would be Milka's sponsor.

1 comment:

  1. What an honor Aunt Ali! I am looking forward to being a godmother someday.

    -Katie Harris
