Her Highness, The Seven Year Old... who did not seem happy with it all. She had four changes of gowns and looked more tired and grumpy with each. Weeks of preparation go into this choosing of gowns, getting photographs, setting up the household inside and out and planning the food, the guests and the special, contributing guests. I imagine the child is worn out. She may recover by her 18th birthday.
Her Serene Highness- wasn't that one of Princess Diana's titles? And some of her court. She had seven sets of attendants, and individual groups of seven to present her with seven roses, seven candles, seven special gifts, seven wishes, etc. . |
Here are the seven candle sponsors, gathered around her and each offering special words. |
The requisite dancers were the PILMES dance troupe, boys and girls from our Grade 6. |
You can see the dancers in the background doing their second number. But these little guys were focused entirely on their game of marbles. They had gathered right on the dance floor and we held our breath when the dancers nearly ran them over. Parents came up and shooed them away and they just gathered again a few feet away. This happened repeatedly. All this quasi-grown up elegance going on around them and they are just being little boys. It was my favorite part of the party and I have several pictures of them in different spots on the floor. |
He just wanted to see better so he climbed onto a chair and held on the tree. |
With all the color and pageantry for birthday and holiday celebrations I can only imagine the sites and traditons you will see at Christmas and New Years! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!