Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 13, 2012 Back Home- Black Eye

I just returned from a week away. I was in Manila for 2 days and then Island Cove, Cavite, a resort on the other side of the bay, about an hour away from Manila. All of us Batch 270s were there for InService Training and Project Design and Management. We were learning how to design a project well and write and present a grant appeal. If PC had told me, before I came, that  I would be doing this I may not have joined, but I find I am comfortable with it! I was working with my Co-CounterPart, Ma'am Liza D.Montana. I think it was the best conference I've been to here.

Me, Denny Robertson(Country Director),and Ma'am Liza Montana, my Co-Counterpart.

On the last day we presented a quick sell to reps from the US Embassy, US/AID and other significant funders. From the written evaluation and private oral response, the presentation was strong for receiving a grant. What a great feeling! It is bemusing to me that the whole week-long
training was relaxing albeit challenging to me (this from a person who never wanted to work outside the home). It was also just great to spend time with the other PCVs.

My first project is a Sports Camp, which Trevor and I are co-directing. 5 PCVs from around the Philippines will come to help facilitate. Today, at PILMES, a fellow Grade 6 teacher is helping me polish up a pamphlet for fund appeal. I wrote it but she is generous enough to work her graphic arts magic on it. I have another letter of permission that I wrote to take through all the DepEd officialdom to get permission signatures. Here's the line-up: 1. The principal 2. Division Supervisor 3. District Supe 4. Barangay Captain (local sheriff) 5. Mayor and maybe 6. Governor. I must take this perfectly composed and individualized letter around in person to receive signatures. Very old-world Spanish formalities.So interesting. So I will be on and off jeepneys all day, tracking down these different offices.

 And I will be doing this with a black eye! I had fun playing in the pool at Cavite and trying to climb a big plastic iceberg-type toy. Austin and Steve were trying to help pull me up and Austin's whole body slipped on the wet plastic and his knee punched me in the cheek. That's what I get for playing with the big boys. Austin felt so bad. He even presented me with a whole big extra dark chocolate bar from a package back home. That is real heartfelt sharing, there! I love dark chocolate. Thanks, Austin. Anyway, I'm even cuter now!
It doesn't hurt at all. 

It is good to be back home here in San Jose. Good to be with my Host Family. Also good to be with the Grade 6 team and folks at school.

 I spent a heartwarming evening with Magtibays. We went to supper with friends.

Aah, being with good friends... always wonderful, isn't it? 
Good night, everyone. Magandang Gabi, sa iyong lahat.

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