Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26, 2011 Courtesy Calls.

In which we complete our courtesy calls.

Today we return to the Elementary School so we can be formally welcomed. This is the last of three days of “Courtesy Calls”. We have had audiences with the Governor, the Mayor, the regional head of Education, the Principals, Librarians, College Deans, etc. This must be done if we expect to be accepted and find collaboration. When we get our permanent assignments, we will all need to seek out all these community shakers and movers and set up our own Courtesy Calls.
I'm hoping today's ceremony  will be done early  because I have plans with my ate (big sister) to hop a Jeepney and go shopping.

PS Well that fun afternoon plan was unrealistic, as the Courtesy Call went quite late. It was actually pleasant. The principal and teachers had created a big back-drop of welcome for us and had a program prepared. Each teacher stood and introduced his/herself and said a brief statement about his/her class.
This is the first year of compulsory Kindergarten and there is great hope in that. Also, within two years the Philippines are slated to add eleventh and twelfth grades, putting them on a par with more other countries. It is an interesting time to be here and involved in education. The Filipino Government is committing precious resources to alleviate poor school conditions.  Teacher student ratio is often 60 or more students per teacher. The PC Trainees going into the High School said that there were 80 students per class. That is a single teacher, a single class.

July 23, 2011     Finally! It's Saturday! I'm telling you, we are working hard on the taxpayer dollars. I'm really glad, though, because it feels good to be very busy. I'm also having a blast working on this Tagalog. I have classes four hours in the AM and then go home for lunch, then return to class again. When I get home after classes, I usually just hang out with the family and talk, or the children sing or count with me. They are  greatly amused by my Tagalog.

July 24, 2011
Ate Lillian and I went to Olongopo yesterday. Sensory overload. The heat, the sights, the smells- fascinating and exhausting.  After the long, hot bus ride, I was adding to the heat, smells and sights.  For 2 hours we hunted through markets and stores for all I needed, like more soap and deodorant!  
On my list, just for a fun indulgence, was an ice cream cone. We didn't find any, so I resorted to …..McDonald's!  I've got to hand it to McDonald's, they had the same cleanliness and quality here as in the states. I had  toilet seat, toilet paper, soap and running water, all in the same bathroom break. Refreshing. Here, McDonald's offers spaghetti, maybe because spaghetti is served here for merienda when it is someones minor birthday.
Major party birthdays are 1 year, 7 years, 18 (girls) and 21 (boys). You only get presents and cake on a major bday and there will be a big fiesta, involving many animals butchered for the occasion and served to all the friends and extended family who will come. I am happy that I will be here for 2 1 year parties. They have already extended the invitation to my entire Peace Corps here in Colo.

July 25, 2011
This morning was our first time in the classroom with our Counterpart Teachers. My Counterpart is Grace Ellamil. I observed her and will have to evaluate, according to the training provided by PC US and PC Philippines. She and I were both nervous, but we are enjoying each other, too. She just earnestly wants to find methods to increase her students' English comprehension. We agreed that I will present a 5 minute Motivator on Wednesday.

This afternoon was Tagalog class and then PC Personal Safety Training. After the considerable hours of Medical and Safety Training we've been given, here's the moral of  the stories: Don't drink if you want to stay safe. We were given extended training on that the first day in LA and it has just been repeated and expanded upon since. They said that virtually all attacks have involved the Volunteers drinking and diminishing their ability to take care of themselves. Go figure.


  1. Great blogs Alice.....I look forward to seeing what is new with every entry! You will love reading these in years to come.

  2. Mom,
    Thanks for the advice - I'll remember to limit my drinking when I get to India!
